The Amazing bodyheart Campaign

If you are like me, your life has been filled with trying to obtain some ideal of the perfect body. Personally, I have battled with my image of my body since a young age. Over the years, I have learned to love my body even though it is far from society’s perception of ideal. Delving deep into self-love and self-awareness in my yoga practice is a major contributor to this shift in my perception. However, the loss of my mother when I was 22 and she was 45 had the biggest impact on me. My mother died in vain due to complications after plastic surgery in pursuit of finding the perfect body.

Along came Amber Krzys and the bodyheart Campaign. I truly believe that the Universe brings people together for profound reasons and it is no mistake that Amber and I met, even if just virtually (we are both in a women’s business group – RHH Bschool – you may have heard me chat about it). Amber recently wrote this amazing blog post Ideal vs. Real – My Fight for the Perfect Body which you can read over here.

I asked Amber about the bodyheart Campaign and when she invited me to participate in her photo-shoot in NYC in a few weeks, I was one of the first people to jump on the bandwagon and sign up! If you are curious, check out Amber’s description below.

Q. What is the bodyheart campaign?
A. The bodyheart campaign is an awareness movement celebrating the ART of the female form. It’s made of unretouched black & white images with women wearing hand-drawn hearts on their face + favorite body part. These images demonstrate how gorgeous we already are and get us talking about what we love instead of we hate.

Join Me! Come be photographed and celebrate what you LOVE about your body! Click here to sign up for the NYC photo shoot on October 24th. Click here for more information.

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