What Legacy Are You Creating?

photo by Karen Christensen

What will your Legacy be?

How do you want to be remembered? Over the years I have thought about this often and even wrote a blog post years ago about the Legacy my Grandfather left. If you are anything like me (or like my grandfather), you want to inspire, be inspired, to love, to make a difference, to find some semblance of balance and to be the best YOU that you can be.

Whatever legacy we ultimately leave is something we are creating now. It’s expressed, in our actions, in the way we play, in the way we love, in the way we honor ourselves and those who are important to us, and in the way we document our sacred life events. What will your Legacy be?

Make real life memories with real life people …

In today’s online world, our lives often don’t seem “meaningful” until they’re updated on FACEBOOK or Twitter. While we all know how short-lived our News Feed “lives” are in the worlds of social media, we may be forgetting how quickly the sand is falling through the hourglass of our actual lives too. Throw in planning a wedding or raising children, and we really can lose sight of time!

If we’re not careful to stop, live on purpose, connect in person, and preserve memories beyond our tweets and wall albums — our real life lives will be vanished and gone. What legacy will be left then?

 Live your Legacy, today. In the end, it’s all we have … 

Recently I met this inspired woman, Karen Christensen, who is doing just that. Her location-based Photography and Women’s Empowerment studio, The Legacy Boutique, is living a legacy of “Art meets Activism” for women and girls. Fall in love with her, her photography, and her mission.

Book a Photo Shoot and Change the World …

When Karen suffered the sudden loss of her best friend to Leukemia, in 2004, she made the swift move from TV/FILM actress to Photographer, Mentor, and Speaker for  Women. A percentage of her time, talents, and studio proceeds now go to empowering women with better Body Image, Financial Independence, Healthy Relationships, Media Literacy, Knowing their Rights, and Becoming Socially Driven Artpreneurs™. It’s all to honor the deeply influential legacy that her friends’ life had on her.

 As Karen told me,

“My friend was gone. It was like swallowing a bag of sand; choking. I was desperate to arrest time. Photographing sacred moments in a woman’s life — her Wedding, her Pregnancy, her 40th Boudoir Birthday — helped me to tip the hourglass and dance with my grief. It calmed me; brought joy back to my life. Sharing how I overcame disordered eating, domestic violence, grief, financial struggles — that was so organic; like talking to my friend who I missed so much. It further turned my pain into purpose, my paralysis into passion. I fell in love with “Art as Activism” and The Legacy Boutique was born.”

The self-proclaimed “Artivist,” {as in Artist + Activist}, travels internationally for private commissions and has shot for celebrities, public figure experts, world-record athletes, and your everyday woman next door.  And let me tell you, you will love her!

Think: Reverent, Bohemian Chic, Vintage-loving, Funny, Nomadic, Hopeless Romantic with a bad ass mission. She annually donates Heirloom Portrait sessions to low-income mothers, as well as Headshots to women rejoining the workforce after surviving a battered situation.

But here’s why you’re really going to love her … 

Brides & Grooms get ready … 

If you’re getting engaged before January 1st, 2012 or married before September 2012, Karen’s offering an Exclusive $300 VIP GIFT CARD toward your Wedding Photography Collection in 2012! You’ll even get a COMPLIMENTARY Engagement Session {valued at $500+} AND an EXTRA Surprise Gift {ONLY when you grab your Backstage Pass}.

This is for my friends only, so mums the word!!! That’s nearly $1000 of free high end Art {from a photographer who’s also doing good in the world}. And, just so you know, due to the custom nature of her fine photography she never offers discounts … so take advantage.

Here’s What You Need to Do …

I.               Check out her traditional Portfolio Website and her blog’s Featured Weddings .

II.              Submit an Inquiry Contact Form with Referral Code: LEGACYTRACY

III.            NOTE: Referral Code is ONLY good for the first 10 people who use it! Expires October 16th, 2011 and Weddings are already booking up for summer 2012 so hop to it! Get all the details at your complimentary Pre-Desgin Consultation.

IV.           Look below for Bonus Surprise Gift!


Don’t forget to snatch up Karen’s FREE BACKSTAGE PASS to receive a Behind-the-Scenes look at Top Expert Interviews, Sneak Peeks from Shoots, Regular Inspiration. Sign up is on her new blog and you’ll get an Instant extra Surprise Gift from our gal — even if you’re NOT one of the first 10 to use the Referral Code. Sign up peeps!

Say “hi” and share some comment love below and over here too:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheLegacyBoutiq

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/TheLegacyBoutique

   About Karen:

*Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
*Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
*American Federation for Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)
*Mentor and Motivational Speaker to Women and Creatives



Her Consumer and Commercial Photography has been published in Success Magazine, seen in online Advertising for Secret Deodorant’s “Fearlessness” campaign, featured on KCRW.com and ESPN.com, ABC NEWS “Good Morning America,” and CNN’s hit show, “Sanjay Gupta MD,” along with countless blog publications including images on www.WeddingChicks.com, www.The Bump.com, www.BellyItchblog.com, and various top Women’s blogs.

Clients include top actors starring on NBC, ABC, HBO, FOX, MTV, E!, Diggnation.com, top indie musicians signed to Warner Brothers Record Label, financial expert guest hosts on CNBC’s “Worldwide Exchange,” top CEO’s to Fortune 500 companies, as well as world record athletes featured in panel discussions with Charlie Gibson and more.

Her drive to promote “Art as Activism” garnered Karen repeat ~ingTERVIEWs on top Motivational Speaker Gabrielle Bernstein’s hit website www.HerFuture.com. There Karen’s blog has regularly been selected for the “Blogs We Dig” feature.
Don’t forget to comment below and tell me what you LOVE about Karen’s work on my Facebook Page. Tweet this by clicking those handy social media links!


  1. […] I am writing today because my friend and insane photographer, Karen Christensen, is coming to NYC in October. If you don’t know about her, you should. She is the founder of The Legacy Boutique, an heirloom photography and Women’s Empowerment studio in Los Angeles, CA. She is one of the most passionate women I have ever met. She lives by the mantra Art meets Acitvism for Women and Girls. You can read more about her story here. […]

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