Are you ready to get off the FREAKING hamster wheel? Time to Level Up…

I was so inspired by my beautiful friends this weekend. I was at a gathering for my B’day and one of my friends said to me,

“I am so freaking tired [well, she used another word] of running on the hamster wheel. Nothing is shifting in my life and I need to quit my job and start doing something I am passionate about.”

Literally, a few hours before, I was chatting with my sis on the phone and she pulls out one of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.”

WTF—coincidence? I don’t think so.

Today I want to talk mainly about COURAGE. Hamster wheels and insanity (not literal insanity) are part of the human condition. We find it really easy to complain and complain about our situation without really mustering up the courage to do something about it.

I was on a yoga retreat with Ashley Albrand in Bali. The night the retreat started, Ashley had written a bunch of words on pieces of paper in Sanskrit. Inside was the English meaning.

I couldn’t believe it but the word I selected was “Courage.”

I started bawling when I read it (and I am bawling as I write this) because I have been through a huge transformation in the past few years. And it took so much courage to make a change in my life. You can read my whole story over here.

I ask you, are you ready to take the leap to live the life of your dreams? I hope the answer is YES! If you have a business idea, have only had an inkling of a desire to launch your own thing, or possibly you have a biz that you are trying to take to the next level, maybe it’s time to muster up some courage.

Level up your life

Come join me in RHH B-School with some really courageous women (and a few smart dudes). Enrollment Ends 3 PM EDT on Friday, May 25th.

Let go of your fear and take this courageous step with me. Clicking here is the first step.

But wait, there is more…

I am offering Two Free Mentoring/Consulting Sessions with me, just for those who who sign up through my link. They can be used for anything B-School or business related ($400 Value)

Remember, in order to capitalize on this awesome bonus, you must sign up using my link.

Enrollment Closes May 25th! So sign up now!


  1. http://www./ on February 28, 2017 at 11:57 am

    When I feel Dejavu it is usually associated to a dream I have had many many years before. I can almost place myself back into the dream, it is a very strange but not scary feeling.

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