Proof is in the Practice

Spring Tree

Spring Blooms in Washington Square Park

Do you ever have those days when you just can’t deal, you don’t want to motivate and you have a hard time moving forward or even being present?  I seemed to be having one recently….and the last thing that I wanted to do was to motivate and practice yoga.  I was tired, didn’t feel rested and was making a ton of excuses of why I should just lay in bed.   My inner voice somehow nagged me and got me out of bed and to the empty practice room.

It is so true that often times when we resist things, the universe is telling us what we need. I needed to practice! I played around for 75 minutes and afterward was ready to take on the world. My energy had surged, my outlook and perspective had immediately changed and I had set myself up for the most amazing day…which was also my sister’s b’day!

Pay attention to where you resist….you might just need whatever it is.

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