Are you Running on Empty?

I don’t know about you but for me, this time of the year is insane! Between designing jewelry, shipping orders, teaching my yoga classes, attending holiday celebrations and managing to squeeze in a few hours of sleep, I feel like I am running on empty! I needed to have a little sit down with myself…

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Lessons in Letting Go

“If you love something (or want something), let it go. If it comes back to you, it was yours to keep and if it doesn’t, it was never yours to have.” -Unknown and translated by many Letting go is hard to do and it has been a common theme in my classes since I started…

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How you do anything is how you do everything- T. Harv Eker

Holly, Nancy and Me with our broken arrows. How you do anything is how you do everything – T. Harv Eker Isn’t is so true? How you do anything, is how you do everything! I just got back from a month of traveling which ended at a personal growth seminar in New Jersey….let me back…

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Forgive to Live

Originally Published August 15, 2008 Forgiveness is a heavy word…not just for the implication of what it means, but for the energy that is usually surrounding it. I had a dear friend who I had lost touch with recently say to me….”thank you for forgiving me”…. for events that had transpired years and years ago.…

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Originally Published  August 20, 2008 Namaste literally translates as “the light within me acknowledges the light within you.” A simple gesture and statement, sometimes finding our own light can seem daunting when our mind tells us otherwise. Marianne Williamson says it well in her book “A Return to Love” -‘We get in life that which…

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