How you do anything is how you do everything- T. Harv Eker

Holly, Nancy and Me with our broken arrows.

How you do anything is how you do everything – T. Harv Eker

Isn’t is so true? How you do anything, is how you do everything! I just got back from a month of traveling which ended at a personal growth seminar in New Jersey….let me back up a bit.

You know how you kind of get out of place when you are away from home for awhile? Maybe a little unsettled and feeling unorganized? Well, that was me last week. I returned from my CA/AZ trip only for a few days to turn around and head to New Jersey for the weekend for the MMI Seminar which I was totally excited for. However, I was craving a little stay at home time and felt rushed trying to prepare for the weekend and in the process of rushing, was a huge lesson.

Let me explain, you see, I realized I was running out of business cards which was a requirement to bring to the event. On top of that, I was slammed with my jewelry clients, trying to wrap up a few details before I headed out. So the night before, I am frantically trying to print homemade business cards which looked fantastic until they actually printed. Umm, 17 paper jams later and a whole bunch of wasted paper and cards, I gave up and went to bed around 1130pm. I figured, I’m a morning person, so I’ll get up at 5am, totally fresh, and try to figure it out then.

So I wake up, feeling pretty good, maybe a little tired and start the process over while multi-tasking with packing, shower, work emails – all before I have to find a cab at 7 am. Sounds insane, right? Well, T-Minus 15 minutes to go, I break my printer. In a moment of frustration, I grab the marginally usable batch of off-centered printed cards and shove them in my bag and finish packing. I walk out the door with 30 seconds to spare, suitcase, handbag and 2 bags of trash all in hand. Amazingly, probably in an adrenaline induced state, I carry them all down the staircase of my narrow tenement building in one load, get in the cab and head to meet my friends who I am sharing the ride with to New Jersey.

As I am sitting in the cab, I notice my arm aching and feelings of annoyance at the cab driver and the way he was driving. I arrive at my friend Holly’s place and finally start to breath until she shows me her prep folder of pre-assignments and items that we were supposed to bring…Holy Cr*p, I left the folder at home! There was no time to go back, our friend Nancy had arrived in the car that was taking us to NJ, and I was basically SOL.

Nancy, whom I first met in one of my yoga classes, tries to calm me down a bit and we come up with some possible solutions. I am still clearly freaking out – nothing is going right! I am little embarrassed that I am semi off-kilter in front of one of my students and my new friend, Holly. Nancy looks at me and then she says   – “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Hearing that in that moment was like having an epiphany, I approached this whole situation from a frantic state and what I was putting out was exactly what I was getting back. My mind was all over the place and I wasn’t being present because I was trying to do too many things at once.

What we put out in life is what we get back and how we float through this life is clearly a representation of our internal state. Finding the ability to stay present in the midst of chaos is truly challenging, had I just slowed down and taken a breath, I might have realized that I didn’t really need my ticket because I am “on the list,” and that the nice, lovely blond woman that I met in the ladies room would exchange my $20 bills for a $100 bill and that the prep work was in my consciousness anyway so by slowing down, breathing and being in the moment, I was able to receive full benefit.

I am so grateful for this past weekend, it was truly life transformational and has given me a new lease on my desire to be more prepared, stay more organized and create a life of action rather than reaction. All I needed was to come back to the moment, to breath and all was good.

Come on vacation with us! Join Stephanie and me in Vermont in March. Click here for the details.


  1. Therese Miu on February 1, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    I find this to be true also as a mom of a 4 year old–it can turn from the worst to the best in just minutes and how we handle ourselves internally is how we will project in our outer environment. Also, kids mirror their parents energy so it is important for me to be calm and also take it easy. Stay in the moment.
    I am glad you went to MMI. I attended twice in Los Angeles and found great value in it. I especially love their money system. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead as you focus and center yourselves moment to moment breath to breath.
    Love and Peace
    Therese Miu

    ps. love to catch up with you on FB as well

    🙂 Come say HELLO anytime

    • Tracy Matthews on April 23, 2011 at 9:13 pm

      Thanks for the note Therese!

      I will definitely connect on facebook!

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